Cartoon Beatbox Wiki

Cartoon beatbox Reactions is a series ran by Verbalase there's 4 episodes those being Joker Loss Reaction, Goofy Loss Reaction, Batman Loss Reaction and DeadShot Loss Reaction.


The main plot of cartoon beatbox reactions is verbalase takes a character that has lost to a different competitor and interviews them and asks them questions like why they think they lost and then near the end of the videos they usually get off topic and start arguing like in Joker Loss Reaction they were arguing over how verbalases teeth looked and how jokers eyes made him look drunk and in Goofy Loss Reaction at the beginning they were arguing over the hole in the wall and near the end verbalase yells at goofy for dancing and asks him another question that had nothing to do with the interview usually at the beginning of the video he says him name and introduces the loser and there pretty surpised why they lost while there being interviewed there solo from when they lost is playing in the background and after the credits the characters go "Hey vote for me next time or i'll come for you." With the Execption of Deadshot Loss Reaction



Verbalase considers to do Thanos next

There is only 4 episodes for now
