Cartoon Beatbox Battles is a YouTube series produced by Verbal ASE. It is about fictional characters fighting in a giant ring by beatboxing, with the winner decided by the viewers. The first season started on March 19, 2016 to August 12, 2022 with the winner being Patrick. Season 2 started on November 4, 2022 and is still going on.
The shows first season, simply titled Cartoon Beatbox Battles, is a show started in March 19, 2016 and is still going on with it's 17th last episode left in production. The season has currently finished, with the final episode Season 1 Finale released in August 12th, 2022.
Season 2 of Cartoon Beatbox Battles has been planned on ever since round 2 was cemented into the 1st season of Cartoon Beatbox Battles, so far 2 episodes have been released so far with them being Shadow VS Vegeta and Skipper VS Dave. There has been talk of a loser round, most likely after season 1 or 2, or in season 2 itself. So far, the only confirmed battle has been Thanos Vs Sonic.
Season 1 Competitors
- Mickey Mouse (16th)
- SpongeBob (8th)
- Pikachu (15th)
- Groot (6th)
- Pennywise (4th)
- The Joker (14th)
- Patrick (1st)
- Goofy (13th)
- Deadpool (2nd)
- Deadshot (12th)
- Black Panther (3rd)
- Batman (11th)
- Thanos (7th)
- Darkseid (10th)
- Mario (9th)
- Sonic (5th)